

Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 如需预约,请访问 预订.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@soulandpoetry.com

认识团队 Map


University of Idaho senior embraces importance of community, 与学生参与部合作

这是高年级学生杰基·戴维斯发现的, college is a time for students to seek and create strong communities, while constantly challenging themselves to grow in new ways.

Currently in the National Guard and one of the two leadership coordinators for the 365滚球官网学生参与系(DSI), Davis has always had a passion for serving others and seeking new communities to be a part of. 她最大的一次服务机会是10天 替代服务时段 trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania through U of I where she helped revitalize homes for those in need.

“My favorite part about everything I’m involved with is the people. The people are what make the difference — all of the connections and friendships that I make,戴维斯说.  “Volunteering gives me a sense of pride to give up my time to help others and has a lot of impact for the organizations being served.”

Davis decided to apply as a 领导 Coordinator for the Department of Student Involvement a year and a half ago to facilitate leadership trainings and network on campus. She attributes 职业服务 for helping her get the competitive job. 没有职业顾问埃里克·安德森的帮助, she said her resume would not have been competitively tailored for this specific position and she would not have been as prepared for interview questions.

“我以前申请过工作,并被录用了, 但我从未参加过正式的面试,戴维斯说. “I recommend everyone take advantage of and orient themselves with the entire 学生成功中心 在[爱达荷州学生会大楼]三楼. It is better to know about the resources available on campus earlier rather than wishing you would’ve used them right before graduation.”

Her responsibilities consist of coordinating with clubs for renewal and trainings, and scheduling and facilitating leadership trainings for other groups and organizations on campus.

“One of my favorite leadership trainings I helped conduct was with the Women in Science Society,戴维斯说. “I think everyone was receptive and able to get a lot out of it, especially with workshopping and helping women who are also officers in other clubs. One of my favorite things is the joy I get when someone has a light bulb ah-ha moment and it is because of some way that I have impacted them — something I have taught them or shared with them in a way that has affected their life and changed the way they behave for the better.”

通过她在国安局的工作, Davis said her confidence has greatly improved in her workspace and in general. She said she has acquired practical customer service skills such as being able to answer the phone confidently and talk to people she may not know. 在她的职业发展成长方面, she said she has reached a whole new level compared to if she didn’t get the job in the first place.

Her goals for the future are either medical school to become a physician or graduate school to become a dietitian, saying she loves both career options equally and will most likely utilize 职业服务 again to explore her options.

“The definition of success varies, but I am personally motivated by being a successful person. To me, a successful person is always willing to learn and grow,戴维斯说. “A successful person does not reach a certain level of success and then stop trying at a certain point. 总有未开发的潜力.”

Lynsie Clott, 365滚球官网学生参与协调员, has gotten to know Davis well and will miss her when she graduates this semester. “Davis knows who she is as a person — she is comfortable and confident, 但是过于谦虚,克洛特说。.

除了, 克洛特说,戴维斯真的很善良,是个很好的倾听者, 但是有趣的是, 古怪的, 滑稽的一面给团队带来了乐趣. 她非常能干、热情、聪明. 她喜欢户外活动, rock climbing and running marathons — activities that keep her mindful of her overall health and well-being.

戴维斯有识别群体需求的天赋, craft tailored programs for them and facilitate discussion for participants to reflect and come to their own conclusions, Clott说. She is insightful with people and has greatly helped with I Lead and Vandal Lead programs, 需求领导力培训, Women’s Base Camp leadership programming and is currently working on an intercultural learning simulation titled Bafa Bafa. She can take initiative and ownership over projects because of her passion for the work she does, Clott说.

“Jackie is a naturally curious person and has excitement for constantly soaking in new experiences and taking advantage of everything she possibly can,克洛特说。. “She is focused on self-discovery and a personal growth mindset that she uses to help others develop and grow for their own self-improvement.”


Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 如需预约,请访问 预订.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@soulandpoetry.com

认识团队 Map